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Taking the pulse to the world

Name: Christina
Place: Athens, Greece
Years: 35
Ocupation: photographer

Which do you think is the main problem that affects the world?
poverty and imbalance in the distribution of wealth

How can it be solved?
people must start thinking about 'others' as well as about themselves. . .each and every one of us has a duty to the world to become more considerate about problems 'outside' our door. . . .in addition of course it is highly the responsibily of every government to stop making its members richer and start taking actual decisions concerning the real wellfare of its people . . . but after all, WE are the ones who elect these governments.

What can you do to collaborate in its solution?
participate with small financial contributions. . . .participate in journalistic expeditions in problem areas with the aim to show to the rest of the world - with my pictures - what the problems are. . . . .

Which do you think is the main problem that affects you region or environment?
lack of consideration for the 'outside' world problems

How can it be solved?
more information through the news and better education at school and in the family, in order to make people from a small age understand the real values of life and the problems threatening and affecting us all. . . .even if they seem to happen 'in a galaxy far far away'

What can you do to collaborate in its solution?
try to make the people i know understand all the above

Are you happy in live? Why?
yes . . .thank God. . . .

How could you be happier?
be given the opportunity to take more and more meaningful pictures by not having to starv along the way . . . . .

Which do you think is the secret of happiness?
good friends and someone to love deeply and trully

i like what you are doing. . . .I hope you do get some intersting conlusions out of this and most of all I hope you find 'good' people to hear what you and all of us, taking part in this survey, have to say. . . .

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