Name: Analisa
Place: Mesa AZ  USA
Years: 39
Religion: Lutheran

Which do you think is the main problem that affects the world?

The poorness because I have seen it first hand.  

How can it be solved?
Well, the US could get over the war thing and start helping out.  Education and sharing of resources would help.

What can you do to collaborate in its solution?
I teach anhd make my opinion known.  I travel to learn. I could probably do more volunteer work, too.

Which do you think is the main problem that affects you region or environment?
Natural resources... not enough water in the area... no...  FEAR of immigrants is a huge problem.

How can it be solved?
I have no idea

What can you do to collaborate in its solution?
Cross apply the above response

Which do you think is the main cause of the unhappiness?
wanting more than one has.  Expecting big things makes people unhappy.  If you don´t expect much you are never disappointed. 

How could you be happier?
When I am traveling and seeing new things.

What can you do to be happier?
Expect less.